Tuesday's World Events - November 12, 2019
1. For SAUDI ARABIA, give the following information:
Find the answers at the CIA World FactBook website. For each country, answers can be found under the “Geography” “People” and “Government” headings.
NOTE: Before answering the following questions, watch the videos under “Resources” below.
a) list the who, what, where and when of the news item
b) The men are charged with spying. What is unusual about the case against them?
c) What did Ahmad Abouammo (a U.S. citizen) do?
d) What charges have been brought against him specifically?
e) What did Ali Alzabarah (a Saudi citizen) do?
f) How did Alzabarah explain accessing the accounts of so many thousands of Twitter users without authorization?
g) Re-read paragraphs 11 and 12. Both men working for Twitter accessed, without authorization, the private information of Saudis opposed to the Saudi royal family and gave it to the Saudi government. How confident are you that Twitter can keep any user’s private account secure?
h) Why is it not a good idea for American companies in the U.S. to hire citizens of authoritarian countries (China, Saudi Arabia, etc.) to work in areas where they can access sensitive information?
g) What do you think? Should foreign citizens from authoritarian countries be able to work in U.S. companies where they have access to private, personal or sensitive data? Explain your answer.