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(by Richard Gonzales, NPR/WABE Atlanta) – Two former employees of Twitter were charged with spying for Saudi Arabia by snooping into thousands of private accounts seeking personal information about critics of the Riyadh government, according to court documents filed Wednesday in San Francisco.
The case represents the first time that federal prosecutors have charged Saudis with deploying agents inside the United States, reports The New York Times.
Ahmad Abouammo, a U.S. citizen, was a media partnerships manager at Twitter who was not authorized to access Twitter users’ private information. He allegedly did exactly that for which he received payments of up to $300,000 from a Saudi source identified in the complaint only as “Foreign Official-1.” Abouammo also received a Hublot watch with a value of about $20,000.
Last year, Abouammo was interviewed in his home by the FBI about the watch and the payments he had received. According to the complaint, during the interview he created a false invoice on his home computer to try to justify the payments as compensation for media consulting he said totaled no more than $100,000.
Abouammo is charged with acting as a foreign agent, [making false statements] and falsifying records to obstruct a federal investigation.
Ali Alzabarah, a Saudi citizen worked at Twitter beginning in August 2013 as a “site reliability engineer.”
Between May 21, 2015, and November 18, 2015, Alzabarah, without authorization, accessed “the Twitter data of over 6,000 Twitter users, including at least 33 usernames for which Saudi Arabian law enforcement had submitted emergency disclosure requests to Twitter,” the complaint said. Among the accounts he accessed were those belonging to well-known critics of the Saudi government.
“One of those accounts belonged to a prominent dissident, Omar Abdulaziz, who later became close to Jamal Khashoggi, a Washington Post columnist who advocated for free expression in the Arab world,” according to The Washington Post.
After being confronted by his superiors at Twitter, Alzabarah claimed that he had looked at the data out of curiosity. He left the Twitter building in San Francisco on December 2, 2015. The following day he submitted his resignation in an email while in flight enroute back to Saudi Arabia, according to the complaint.
A third man, Ahmed Almutairi, aka Ahmed Aljbreen, was also charged with spying. He is a Saudi citizen described in the complaint as a principal in a social media marketing company that works for the Saudi royal family. As an alleged intermediary between Saudi officials and the former Twitter employees, he is believed to be in Saudi Arabia working with Alzabarah on social media projects “for the benefit of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,” according to the complaint.
Twitter, in a statement, said it is aware that “bad actors” will try to undermine its service and that the company “limits access to sensitive account information to a limited group of trained and vetted employees.”
“We understand the incredible risks faced by many who use Twitter to share their perspectives with the world and to hold those in power accountable,” the company added. “We have tools in place to protect their privacy and their ability to do their vital work.”
Published by WABE .com on November 7, 2019. Reprinted here for educational purposes only. May not be reproduced on other websites without permission from NPR and WABE Atlanta.
1. For SAUDI ARABIA, give the following information:
- capital
- location/the countries that share its borders
- the religious breakdown of the population
- the type of government
- the chief of state (and head of government if different) If monarch or dictator, since what date has he/she ruled? – include name of heir apparent for monarch
- the population
Find the answers at the CIA World FactBook website. For each country, answers can be found under the “Geography” “People” and “Government” headings.
NOTE: Before answering the following questions, watch the videos under “Resources” below.
a) list the who, what, where and when of the news item
b) The men are charged with spying. What is unusual about the case against them?
c) What did Ahmad Abouammo (a U.S. citizen) do?
d) What charges have been brought against him specifically?
e) What did Ali Alzabarah (a Saudi citizen) do?
f) How did Alzabarah explain accessing the accounts of so many thousands of Twitter users without authorization?
g) Re-read paragraphs 11 and 12. Both men working for Twitter accessed, without authorization, the private information of Saudis opposed to the Saudi royal family and gave it to the Saudi government. How confident are you that Twitter can keep any user’s private account secure?
h) Why is it not a good idea for American companies in the U.S. to hire citizens of authoritarian countries (China, Saudi Arabia, etc.) to work in areas where they can access sensitive information?
g) What do you think? Should foreign citizens from authoritarian countries be able to work in U.S. companies where they have access to private, personal or sensitive data? Explain your answer.
Read the Criminal Complaint filed against Abouammo, Almutairi and Alzabarah.
Read Twitter’s statement in response to the charges against the men.
Watch an ABC News report:
Watch a CBS News report:
Daily “Answers” emails are provided for Daily News Articles, Tuesday’s World Events and Friday’s News Quiz.