Tuesday's World Events - January 3, 2006
1. This week's news issue is an interview with Richard Miniter, author of Disinformation: 22 Media Myths That Undermine the War on Terror.
What do you think Mr. Miniter's purpose was for writing this book?
2. List the seven media myths from Mr. Miniter's book discussed in this interview.
3. Before reading this article, which of the seven did you think were true? Did Mr. Miniter change your mind on any of these issues? Explain your answer.
4. Which of the seven do you think is the most important for Americans to know is a myth to ensure personal peace of mind? Explain your answer.
5. Ask a parent or adult relative to read your list from question #2 and tell you whether they believe each to be fact or myth. For any they believe true, read them Mr. Miniter's explanation. Does Mr. Miniter change their mind on any of the issues they believed were true? Write their responses here.
6. Why do you think that the mainstream media has not provided the public with accurate information on these issues?
-What media source do you use to get your news?
-Do a search on one or more of these issues to find out how your media source reports on it.
-If you diasagree with their reporting, write an email expressing your opinion. (For a media contact list, click here.)