Tuesday's World Events - September 4, 2007
1. What is the main idea of Marvin Olasky's article "The Carnegie Way"?
2. What is "Design for the Other 90%"?
3. List each of the products described by Mr. Olsaky that are on display at the exhibit, and explain how each helps the poor in developing countries.
4. Why does the Cooper-Hewitt exhibit embrace "small" solutions and the use of human power rather than the use of machines and gasoline? (see para. 15)
5. Andrew Carnegie was a hard-working, successful businessman who gave most of his money away, but spent extravagantly during his lifetime. Some don't believe he should have been so excessive. Does a rich man have the right to spend his money the way he wants? Explain your answer.
6. a) How does the weblog Art for a Change view the "Design for the Other 90%" exhibit?
b) What do you think of their response?