Tuesday's World Events - November 14, 2006
1. Locate Uganda on a map of Africa. (see a map at WorldAtlas.com)
Name the countries and the lakes that border Uganda.
2. What and where is London College?
3. Who is Martin Ssempa?
4. a) What is PSI?
b) Define abstinence.
c) Why do you think PSI ignored abstinence and instead focused on how to have safe sex with condoms at their 2004 abstinence rally at London College funded by the U.S. government?
5. a) Under President Bush's program, what percentage of U.S. funding for AIDS prevention in Africa must be spent on abstinence-until-marriage programs?
b) What happened as a result of complaints made by Ugandan students and Mr. Ssempa about abstinence programs run by condom companies?
c) How much money had PSI received from the U.S. government in the first round of funding?
6. a) Describe the "abstinence stigma" Martin Ssempa says that Ugandans face from the West.
b) How are Mr. Ssempa and GAP trying to eliminate the "abstinence stigma?"
7. What percentage of Ugandans ages 15-24 have not had sex, according to recent Ministry of Health figures?
8. How has Martin Ssempa's personal experience with AIDS and a non-abstinence lifestyle influenced his drive to help his fellow Ugandans?
9. a) What is Uganda's ABC program?
b) What is the proof that Uganda's ABC program is working?
10. Re-read paragraph 15. Do you agree with Mr. Ssempa's assertion that organizations promoting condom use "reinvent[ed] history?" Explain your answer.
11. Re-read paragraph 17. What do you think of Mr. Ssempa's observation?
12. Critics of abstinence-only education programs point to studies that have failed to show that abstinence-only education delays sex or lowers rates of teen pregnancy.
Supporters of abstinence-only programs point to studies that show abstinence education programs are effective in reducing teen sexual activity.
What do you think? Is abstinence education effective in reducing teen sexual activity? Explain your answer.