Tuesday's World Events - September 11, 2007
1. a) What are celebrities and others who produce more carbon than the average American doing to prevent global warming without cutting their use of energy?
b) How should the average person reduce their production of carbon?
2. How does the carbon offset market work?
3. What are the two major problems with the carbon offset market?
4. Why have carbon trading companies only recently been facing scrutiny?
5. a) Why might the carbon credits purchased from TerraPass and given to celebrities at the Oscars to offset their emissions have had zero environmental impact?
b) What is ironic about the offsets purchased from some Midwest farmers?
c) How is the U.S. carbon-credit company Blue Source earning a double profit from its offset sales?
d) The practices described above are not illegal. But are they unethical? Explain your answer.
6. In the U.S. carbon trading is voluntary. Corporate involvement is for public relations purposes. Should the government require all corporations to become carbon neutral? Explain your answer.
7. Is the purchase of carbon offsets a case of "the Emperor's New Clothes"? Explain your answer.
8. Former Vice President Al Gore, the leader in warning the world about the coming global warming catastrophe, purchases offsets to justify the $1,200 electricity bill he pays each month to power his 10,000-square-foot home in Tennessee. He also travels at times in private jets. At some point as more and more corporations and individuals purchase offsets, the demand will become greater than the supply. Do you think at that point Mr. Gore will personally adopt lifestyle sacrifices to reduce his own energy consumption? Explain your answer.