Tuesday's World Events - May 7, 2013
1. For each of the 3 countries, give the following information:
a) capital
b) location/the countries that share its borders:
c) the religious breakdown of the population:
d) the type of government:
e) the chief of state (and head of government if different) [If monarch or dictator, since what date has he/she ruled? - include name of heir apparent for monarch]:
f) the population:
[Find the answers at the CIA World FactBook website. For each country, answers can be found under the "Geography" "People" and "Government" headings. Go to worldatlas.com for a list of continents.]
a) list the who, what, where and when of the news item
b) Like the late President Chavez, President Maduro has frequently accused various leaders or vague people of assassination attempts but rarely presented proof. In addition to making vague accusations of assassination attempts against them, Chavez called President Bush the devil during a speech to the U.N. General Assembly ("The devil came here yesterday," he said, referring to Bush's speech the previous day. "It still smells of sulphur today," he added), and Maduro this weekend called President Obama the "grand chief of devils." Do you think they have some ulterior motive for their accusations, are just trying to get attention, think it will make them more popular with supporters, think it will take the attention away from their poor leadership in governing their own country and the economy, are just delusional? etc.? Explain your answer.
a) list the who, what, where and when of the news item
b) Do you think solicitors as well as barristers should be permitted to wear wigs? Explain your answer. (Read about the difference between a solicitor and a barrister under "Resources" below.)
a) list the who, what, where and when of the news item
b) What is the goal for North Korea Freedom Week?