Tuesday's World Events - April 18, 2006
1. Define pork-barrel/earmark spending.
2. What is the Obligation of Funds Transparency Act? Do you agree with this act? Explain your answer.
For the Obligation of Funds Transparency Act click here.
3. Who are the following people mentioned in this article?
-Jeff Flake
-Virginia Fox
-Ted Stevens
-Tom Coburn
Where does each stand on pork-barrel spending? Do all practice what they preach?
4. All earmarked projects are not deemed frivilous; some are even considered worthwhile. Should the federal government use your tax dollars to fund special projects if they are worthwhile? Explain your answer. Give an example of a project you feel is worthwhile. Give an example of a project you feel is not worthwhile.
For examples of pork spending, go to Porkbusters.org.
5. What reason do legislators (Senators and Representatives) give for pushing their pork-barrel projects? What is probably the real motive for most pork-barrel projects?
6. Who is Tom Schatz? What solution does he suggest as an alternative to earmark spending? What do you think of his suggestion?
7. Do some research to determine if any of your Senators or Congressmen are involved with pork-barrel spending. Also, find out how they voted on the Obligation of Funds Transparency Act. Send an email to one or more of your representatives supporting or opposing their stand on pork and the Transparency Act. When writing, be clear, concise and polite. (This is an issue with which you should be concerned as your legislators use your tax dollars to fund pork projects.)
For information on how your congressmen stand on the issue, go to:
-the Citizens Against Government Waste website here, or
-Porkbusters here
To write to your Senators, go to Senate.gov
or your Representatives, go to House.gov.