Tuesday's World Events - September 19, 2006
1. a) What is the ABC initiative?
b) ABC was successful in Uganda. Do you think it is possible for other countries in Africa to have that same success with ABC? Explain your answer. (For an article about Uganda's fight against AIDS, click here.)
2. How much money has the Bush administration pledged for the five-year initiative to fight AIDS?
3. a) Who is Stephen Lewis?
b) What did Mr. Lewis say about the U.S.'s ability to direct how our $15 billion will be spent?
c) What do you think of his comments?
4. Experts who oppose the ABC initiative presented studies from Kenya that show it has had minimal success.
a) What data did PEPFAR provide to show how ABC is working in Kenya?
b) Which data do you think gives a more accurate picture of the effectiveness of ABC in Kenya? (Why?)
5. a) What are the reasons AIDS workers have for opposing the AB parts of ABC?
b) What two points does Ray Martin of the CCIH make in response?
c) What do you think of his response?
6. a) Who is Ngozi Iwere?
b) In response to opponents of abstinence who say it is not realistic, she asks "realistic for whom?" What do you think she means by her question?
7. a) What background does Tom Davis, from Food for the Hungry, have that led him to defend the ABC program at the International AIDS Conference?
b) How did delegates at the conference react to Mr. Davis' statement that the ABC program is doing some good?
c) What does Mr. Davis acknowledge about youth abstinence programs? Why does he support these programs nonetheless? Do you think behavior-change programs are a good idea? Why or why not?