Tuesday's World Events - April 22, 2008
1. List facts about the Cristofaro family that you learn from this article.
2. What is eminent domain?
3. For what reason did the city of New London want the Fort Trumbull neighborhood?
4. On what grounds did Suzette Kelo, the Cristofaro family and others fight the seizure of their property under eminent domain?
5. On what grounds did the Connecticut Supreme Court rule against the homeowners?
6. a) When did the U.S. Supreme Court rule against the Fort Trumbull homeowners?
b) How did the Court redefine the Constitution to allow New London to use eminent domain to take the homes?
7. What has happened to the land since then?
8. a) Do you support the use of eminent domain as used in New London?
b) Do you support the use of eminent domain for public use (for roads, bridges, schools)?
Explain your answers.