Tuesday's World Events - February 14, 2006
1. When did Judge Edna Staudt develop the Williamson County Teen Court program? Why did she do so?
2. What types of cases go to Teen Court? (For information from Williamson County YMCA, click here.)
3. What kind of sentencing do teenagers who are found guilty receive?
4. What does Judge Staudt stress to teens that they need to do after breaking the law?
5. What is the difference in the six-month rate for repeat crimes between teens tried in Teen Courts vs. teens tried in regular courts?
6. List several benefits of Teen Court programs. Can you think of anything that might be a drawback to Teen Courts?
7. Do you think the Teen Court program is a good idea? Explain your answer.
8. Check the Youth Court Website to see if there is a program near you. Would you ever consider volunteering for such a program? Why or why not?