Tuesday's World Events - May 19, 2009
1. Why did more than 20 graduates from the Catholic university Notre Dame refuse to attend their own graduation ceremony?
2. For what reason did pro-life students in March oppose Notre Dame's graduation invitation to President Obama?
3. How did Notre Dame's president (who is also a Catholic priest) defend the University's invitation to President Obama to give the commencement address and to receive an honorary degree?
4. What is ND Response?
5. How did pro-life students who participated in their graduation ceremony demonstrate their opposition to President Obama's honorary degree and speech?
6. A diocese is the district or churches under the jurisdiction of a bishop. How did the bishop who is the head of Notre Dame's diocese respond to the students protesting the President's attendance?
7. What 2-3 adjectives would you use to describe the students who chose not to attend their own graduation because President Obama gave the commencement address and received an honorary degree. Explain your choices.