Tuesday's World Events - February 7, 2006
1. List the U.S. states and lakes that border Canada. Approximately how long is the northern border? (For a map, go to WorldAtlas.com.)
2. What fact about the Canadian border would cause it to be of more concern to Americans than the Mexican border?
3. What factors contribute to the existence of many terror cells in Canada?
4. Why won't the U.S. erect a fence on the border of Canada? Do you think this is a legitimate reason? Explain your answer.
5. Describe the Twin Goals of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). (Go to the website here.)
6. List four methods used by CBP to guard the northern border. Explain why experienced inspectors are irreplaceable to border protection.
7. What is the major concern about the section of border where Boundary Road and Zero Avenue run parallel with only a 3-foot ditch between them?
8. Re-read statements made by CBP employees. Overall, what is the attitude toward the situation on the northern border?
9. Write to your congressmen to express your opinion on what you think should be done, or to ask what they are doing, about border security (northern, southern or both). To locate your congressmen, or to write to Colorado Rep. Tom Tancredo, who is making border security his top priority, go to the U.S. House of Representatives website.