Tuesday's World Events - October 11, 2005
1. How does the Dover, Pennsylvania, school board wish to include the theory of intelligent design (ID) in the classroom? (What do they want teachers to tell students about the theories of evolution and ID?)
2. What does the ACLU-backed lawsuit by eight families in the district aim to do?
3. What is the mission of the ACLU? (For the website, click here.)
Is the ACLU's position on Kitzmiller v. Dover consistent with their mission? Explain your answer.
4. Define amicus brief.
5. On what information do ID scientists base their conclusions? (para. 6)
-Is intelligent design a religious belief?
-How do ID and creationism differ?
-Briefly describe the theories of ID and of evolution.
(For information on intelligent design, click here and scroll down.)
6. The ACLU wants to show that the school board acted out of religious motivation. Should the school board's motive for requiring a discussion of ID in the classroom be relevant to the judge's decision? Explain your answer.
7. Is intelligent design a legitimate theory? Explain your answer.
8. When President Bush was asked in August if intelligent design should be taught along with evolution in public schools, he said:
"I think that part of education is to expose people to different schools of thought. You're asking me whether or not people ought to be exposed to different ideas, the answer is yes."
Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain your answer.