Tuesday's World Events - September 5, 2006
1. If an employee works 40 hours/week, how much extra money will he earn per year if the minimum wage is raised to $7.25/hour? In your opinion, is $7.25/hour sufficient? What do you believe is a fair minimum wage? Why?
2. The bill to raise the minimum wage to $7.25/hour passed the House. Why will it probably not pass in the Senate?
3. What percent of minimum wage workers are at or below the poverty line?
4. What groups make up the majority of minimum wage workers, according to Timothy Lamer?
5. How would raising the national minimum wage hurt some minimum wage workers?
6. Opponents of a minimum wage hike propose that the Earned Income Tax Credit is a better way to fight poverty. Read the explanation of the Earned Income Tax Credit. Do you agree with opponents of the minimum wage hike who say that the Tax Credit would be a better way to fight poverty? Explain your answer.
7. With which group of statements below do you agree? Why?
-a minimum wage increase is likely to have a greater impact on reducing poverty
-living wages increase productivity by reducing turnover and absenteeism
-a minimum wage increase will not result in job loss; there is no evidence of job loss from the last minimum wage increaseOPPOSE A LAW RAISING THE NATIONAL MINIMUM WAGE
-if the minimum wage is raised, one or both of the following will happen: 1) the employer will retain fewer employees and will require those that are retained to produce more, 2) the cost of the final product to consumers will increase.
-the dead-end job is largely a myth. Minimum-wage earners typically receive raises and promotions or find more lucrative work without any governmental help
-wages should be based solely on supply and demand
8. Ask 2 or 3 adults (parents, grandparents, neighbors) the following questions:
9. OPTIONAL: Write to your Senators to express your opinion on this issue. Be clear, concise and polite. Senator emails and addresses can be found at Senate.gov.