Tuesday's World Events - May 5, 2009
1. What is the purpose of the International Religious Freedom Act passed by Congress in 1998? (see "Background" below for the answer)
2. a) For how many years has Nigeria been on the USCIRF's watch list?
b) How did Nigeria's status change in this year's report?
3. For what reasons has Nigeria been named a CPC by USCIRF?
4. Two of the USCIRF's nine commissioners objected to the new status for Nigeria. For what reason does commissioner Michael Cromartie oppose the new designation?
5. How did the commission's report disagree with commissioner Cromartie's estimation of the Nigerian government's ability to stop the religious violence and intolerance?
6. a) Why did 4 of the 9 commissioners object to USCIRF naming Iraq to its CPC list?
b) Why did the State Department refrain from naming Iraq to its CPC list?
c) Why does the State Department not follow all of the USCIRF's recommendations for the CPC list?
7. Which country will the Commission issue a separate report on this summer?
8. How effective do you think the State Department and USCIRF CPC list is? Explain your answer.