Tuesday's World Events - September 18, 2007
1. Where is Kurdistan?
2. Why has security in Northern Iraq been achieved with practically no U.S. military personnel?
3. a) Who is Harry Schute?
b) What does Mr. Shute credit for a successful peace in Kurdistan (Northern Iraq)?
4. How do the Kurds in northern Iraq (the majority of whom are Sunni Muslim) treat the Christian Iraqis who moved there to escape the violence of Baghdad and other parts of Iraq?
5. a) What freedoms do people have in the north that they don't have in other parts of Iraq?
b) What daily living probems do people in the north face?
6. a) Before reading this article, what did you know about northern Iraq?
b) Did this article make you think differently about Iraq? Explain your answer.
7. Why do you think the media is not presenting more reports on this area of Iraq? Email your opinion on reporting about northern Iraq to the news outlet you watch. Be clear, concise and polite.