Tuesday's World Events - May 24, 2005
1. Who is Harry Jackson? List five needs in the black community that Mr. Jackson includes in his "Black Contract with America on Moral Values."
2. What does Mr. Jackson view as the most important issue to address? Why? Which issue do you believe is the most important to address? Why?
3. How does Mr. Jackson respond to critics?
4. On what biblical principles does Mr. Jackson base the "Black Contract with America on Moral Values"? (Click here and scroll down to the Mission Statement.)
5. Do you agree with Mr. Jackson when he says that most African-Americans think like him, but "just don't get the microphone"? Explain your answer. Email your answer to this question to: editor@studentnewsdaily.com.
6. Two additional groups founded by conservative African-Americans are: Urban Cure and B.O.N.D. Which of the groups would you like to know more about? Why?