1. __________________ Parents of a middle school student in Georgia are suing two classmates’ parents because those students created a Facebook page pretending to be her and made profane and racist comments on it.
2. __________________ Georgia appeals judges have ruled the parents of the teen who created the Facebook page can be held liable for defamation because they also pretended to be the girl and made profane and racist comments on the page.
3. __________________ The Canadian government shipped 800 vials of an experimental Ebola vaccine to the World Health Organization in Geneva this week for use in Ebola-stricken countries in Africa.
4. __________________ The vaccine vials were sent to the WHO in three separate shipments, as a precautionary measure, because the vaccine must be kept at a very low temperature at all times.
5. __________________ The Colorado Health Department has recommended that marijuana regulators ban many edible forms of marijuana, including brownies, cookies and most candies – and limit legal sales of pot-infused food to lozenges and tinctures because many forms of edible marijuana “are naturally attractive to children.”
6. __________________ The marijuana industry is warning parents that edible marijuana could be confused with regular candy and could be accidentally eaten by children on Halloween.
7. __________________ The Obama administration announced Friday that the program to unite Haitians already living in the U.S. with family members abroad will be increased in 2015 to allow as many as 100,000 Haitians to immigrate to the U.S. without a visa and legally apply for work permits.
8. __________________ Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley is opposed to the President’s executive action because he says it is “an irresponsible overreach of the executive branch’s authority” and that “the president’s continued push to circumvent Congressional authority and ignore the rule of law sets a bad precedent for the future.”
9. __________________ Republican Senator Tom Coburn released his annual “100 Ways to Get Re-elected” book this week which illustrates the 100 most wasteful spending programs of the federal government.
10. __________________ In his 2014 report, Sen. Coburn highlights wasteful programs which, among other things, taught monkeys how to smoke and gave Turkish steam baths to rabbits.
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