Weekly Example of Media Bias - November 28, 2012
1. What do you think of the BBC's use of a video which uses fake injured Palestinians? (Were the editors: sloppy/careless, not concerned with factual reporting, knowingly using video reports from unreliable sources, etc.?)
2. Do you think the video accompanying BBC's news report is an example of bias by spin, story selection, or it was just a mistake on the part of the BBC? Explain your answer.
3. BBC News did not inform its viewers that the video they showed was made by Gazans who wish to portray a sympathetic picture of the Palestinians in Gaza. Would this cause you to question further news reports from the BBC? Why or why not?
4. When it is difficult for a staff reporter or photographer to reach a location quickly for breaking news stories, larger news organizations often rely on local stringers to provide rapid scene descriptions, quotations or photos. Should the BBC use stringers in this type of situation in the Gaza strip?