Luke Baker, Reuters' Jerusalem Bureau Chief (photo from Israel's Gov't Press Office)
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Example of Media Bias:
A news agency is an organization of journalists established to supply (sell) news reports to news organizations from around the world, including: news websites, TV and radio. It is also referred to as a wire service, newswire or news service.
The major news agencies generally prepare hard news stories and feature articles that can be used by other news organizations with little or no modification, and then sell them to other news organizations.
In U.S. news media most often uses reports from:
- Associated Press (AP)
- Reuters
- Agence France-Presse (AFP)
(United Press International (UPI) and Bloomberg News are also used.)
Watch the video from Honest Reporting and then answer the questions below:
To accurately identify different types of bias, you should be aware of the issues of the day, and the liberal and conservative perspectives on each issue.
Types of Media Bias:Questions
1. List some of the major U.S. news organizations that use Reuters’ news stories.
2. What did Stephen Adler, President and Chief Editor of Reuters Worldwide, say last week about Reuters policy on reporting the news?
3. Honest Reporting works to “combat the false depiction of Israel in the media by challenging the biased coverage and demanding accountability.” How has Reuters Jerusalem Bureau Chief Luke Baker referred to HonestReporting?
4. Consider how Reuters’ Jerusalem news bureau chief Luke Baker has referred to the Israeli government compared to Hamas, the Palestinian group that runs Gaza. What type of bias does Mr. Baker exhibit?
5. In addressing the concern about media bias last week, Reuters’ President Stephen Adler stressed that Reuters is even more determined to be even-handed in its reporting. “Our view is there is real value to being neutral, to being unbiased,” he said. “It doesn’t mean ‘he said, she said’, but it does mean being very careful to be factual and not to take sides.” Based on his comments, how do you think Reuters’ president Stephen Adler should address HonestReporting’s concern about Mr. Baker?
Scroll down to the bottom of the page for the answers.
1. Major U.S. news organizations that use Reuters’ news stories are: The New York Times and NBC. (Also, not mentioned in the video: CNN, CBS, ABC, LA Times, Washington Post, every regional newspaper, such as: Dallas Morning News, San Diego Union-Tribune, Tampa Bay Times, Boston Globe, etc.)
2. Stephen Adler, President and Chief Editor of Reuters Worldwide, said “we believe in neutrality and being unbiased, to not take sides” and he talked about the value of transparency and integrity in reporting the news.
3. Reuters’ Jerusalem Bureau Chief Luke Baker refers to HonestReporting as: “laughable,” “strangely one sided” and “a pressure group.” He then cut off communication with the organization on Twitter.
4. Luke Baker exhibits bias by spin and editorializing.
5. Opinion question. Answers vary.