Weekly Example of Media Bias - November 3, 2010
BACKGROUND: The Democratic controlled Congress recessed before the elections without having voted on whether to extend the Bush tax cuts. President Barack Obama and most Democrats want tax cuts extended for middle-income earners, but to end for the wealthiest Americans, the top 2 or 3 percent of earners. Republicans want tax cuts extended for everyone, arguing that an increase makes little sense as the economy recovers from the worst recession since the 1930s. The Bush tax cuts went into effect in 2001 and 2003. They are set to expire on December 31st, 2010. The expiration of the tax cuts will be an extreme hardship for many Americans. The Democratic-led Congress refused to begin debating on whether to extend the cuts, deciding instead to wait until after the Nov. 2 elections. Because it takes weeks to prepare withholding schedules, the Internal Revenue Service will probably have to assume the cuts will expire and instruct employers to increase payroll tax withholding starting Jan. 1, experts say.
1. What types of bias does the excerpt below highlight?
2. Why do you think the media has not focused on this significant news story that will affect the majority of Americans?
3. Ask a parent how important this news item is to him/her.