A Report on Two Presidents

Weekly Example of Media Bias   —   Posted on April 7, 2010

This is a story of absolutely no consequence, but nonetheless an instructive comparison. Here’s how the Associated Press reported President Obama’s throwing out the first pitch at yesterday’s Montreal Expos game:

In front of thousands of fans, President Barack Obama strolled to the pitcher’s mound and tossed a baseball to Washington Nationals third baseman Ryan Zimmerman, officially launching the team’s baseball season.

The setting – freshly cut grass, a brilliant sun and clear skies – was a picture-postcard quality introduction to a new Major League Baseball season. And the lanky Obama, appearing in khakis and a Washington Nationals warmup jacket, was the star attraction for a moment.

Here’s how the AP reported the same story two years ago:

President Bush had enough to worry about–like not flubbing the first pitch in front of a crowd that might not exactly be his biggest fans anyway.

So before the game, when a couple of Atlanta Braves gave him a team jersey and suggested he wear it to throw out the first pitch at Nationals Park, Bush laughed. Uh, no thanks, guys. Might as well put on a sign that says “Boo me.”

We suppose we should count our blessings: The AP makes it so easy to spot its bias. On the other hand, think of how much better its journalism would be if the bias were limited to fluff stories like this one.

Read the original post at opinionjournal.com. (Scroll halfway down the page for the post titled “Accountability Journalism”.)

Watch a video of President Obama’s first pitch: