Weekly Editorial - October 24, 2013
Answer the following questions about jobs from the interview with employment agency head Bob Funk:
1. List the 3 requirements Mr. Funk says a person needs to get and keep a job. (see para. 8)
2. How does Mr. Funk view the idea of "dead-end jobs"?
3. What cities/states are experiencing top job growth in the U.S.? Why?
4. Mr. Funk says that the primary jobs problem today is that too many workers are functionally unemployable. Why does he say this is so? (see para. 14)
5. Mr. Funk says in para. 15: "In my 40-some years in this business, the biggest change I've witnessed is the erosion of the American work ethic. It just isn't there today like it used to be."
a) What is a work ethic?
b) Do you agree with Mr. Funk's assertion? Explain your answers.
c) Ask a parent, and a grandparent the same question.
6. What does Mr. Funk say Washington should do to get Americans working?
7. Why does Mr. Funk believe it is hard to get people to take entry-level jobs? (see para. 18)
8. a) Re-read para. 19-20. How does Mr. Funk view unemployment and disability?
b) Ask a grandparent if he/she agrees or disagrees with Mr. Funk's assertion.
9. What advice does Mr. Funk have for young people who are looking for a solid career? (see para. 21-22)
10. The purpose of an editorial/commentary is to explain, persuade, warn, criticize, entertain, praise, exhort or answer. What do you think is the purpose of this commentary? Explain your answer.