Weekly Editorial - May 18, 2017
PLEASE NOTE: Regular posting will end for the school year on Friday, May 26th.
1. What surprised you the most about the results from the civics quiz that 14,000 college students took in 2005?
2. What does ISI believe is responsible for the disappointing survey results?
3. How do you think you would do on the survey? Why?
(Click here for the quiz. Ask a parent to take the quiz as well. Compare your results.)
4. Josiah Bunting, chairman of ISI’s National Civic Literacy Board said the following in response to the survey results:
“Today’s college students, who are America’s future leaders, must understand their nation’s history and founding principles if they are to be informed, engaged citizens prepared and motivated to improve the public life of their communities and their nation.”
Do you agree with Mr. Bunting? Explain your answer. Ask your parent who took the quiz respond to this question as well.