Weekly Editorial - February 1, 2007
1. What argument does Walter Williams make for his opposition to a government ban on the use of trans fats in restaurants? Does Mr. Williams make a strong case? Explain your answer.
2. Do you agree with Mr. Williams' assertion that "Food zealots...will not be satisfied controlling restaurant menus...Why wouldn't the food zealots [next] enact bans on what can and cannot be sold in supermarkets?" Explain your answer.
3. List the reasons people have for supporting or opposing the ban on trans fats. With which side do you agree? Why?
4. Should the government regulate what privately owned businesses sell? Explain your answer.
5. Should the government regulate what we eat? Explain your answer.
6. Research the arguments on whether a ban on the use of trans fats will lead to better health for Americans. After learning more about both sides of the issue, have you changed your opinion? Explain your answer.