Weekly Editorial - December 14, 2006
1. How many Jewish people were murdered by Hitler's Nazi regime during WWII?
2. Editorials/commentaries often criticize political trends or decisions and sometimes offer an alternative solution to a problem. They can also interpret events or decisions and explore the consequences. Occasionally an editorial praises a person or event or, in a lighter tone, comments on a happening or trend in an entertaining way. What do you think Jay Homnick's specific purpose was for writing this commentary?
3. Iranian president Ahmadinejad has repeatedly questioned the reality of the Holocaust. How do you think the U.S. should officially respond to a conference in Iran that denies that the Holocaust ever happened, sponsored by the Iranian government, and presided over by Ahmadinejad?
4. What can you do as an individual in response to this commentary?
One way: To ensure that we never forget, and that it never happens again: educate yourself and those around you to the horrors of the Holocaust: