NOTE TO STUDENTS: This is a difficult article. If you have been reading Daily News Articles from StudentNewsDaily regularly, it should make more sense to you. Without background knowledge on the nuclear weapons problem, this editorial might be a bit confusing. Do your best to understand the main idea. Ask a parent to read the article and discuss with you.
1. Why do the editors of the Wall Street Journal oppose President Obama's call for countries to end the quest for nuclear weapons?
2. What do they see as a better way to address nuclear proliferation by rogue countries like Iran and North Korea?
3. Do you agree with this editorial? Explain your answer. Before you write your answer, think about the validity of the following quotes from the article:
- "As for the persuasive power of "moral authority," we should have learned long ago that the concept has no meaning in Pyongyang or Tehran, much less in the rocky hideouts of al Qaeda." (para. 7)
- "The truth is that Mr. Obama's nuclear vision has reality exactly backward. To the extent that the U.S. has maintained a large and credible nuclear arsenal, it has prevented war, defeated the Soviet Union, shored up our alliances and created an umbrella that persuaded other nations that they don't need a bomb to defend themselves." (para. 8)
- "the world's most conspicuous antiproliferation victories in recent decades were the Israeli strike against Saddam Hussein's nuclear plant at Osirak, and the U.S. toppling of Saddam and the way it impressed Libya's Moammar Ghadafi." (para. 9)