Weekly Editorial - May 24, 2018
1. The purpose of an editorial/commentary is to explain, persuade, warn, criticize, entertain, praise or answer. What do you think is the purpose of the Schlafly’s editorial? Explain your answer.
2. Tone is the attitude a writer takes towards his/her subject: the tone can be serious, humorous, sarcastic, ironic, inspiring, solemn, objective, cynical, optimistic, critical, enthusiastic…etc. Which word do you think best describes the tone of this commentary? Explain your answer.
3. The commentators note: "Absent from the 49 pages of opinions of the Court was any observation that gambling is a vice, for which there is voluminous evidence about the enormous harm it causes to individuals and communities." Why do you think the justices ignored the fact that the vice of gambling causes enormous harm to individuals and communities?
4. Ask at least 3 adults (parents / other relatives / boss / neighbor):
a) Do you have any personal experience or know anyone who improved their life through gambling? (Did gambling have a positive impact on their lives?)
b) Have you (or someone you know) been harmed by gambling? (Did gambling have a negative impact on family, job, finances, a relationship?)
Please explain your answers.
5. What do you think: will legalized sports gambling have a positive impact on professional sports, be a detriment to professional sports, or have no impact one way or the other? Explain your answer.