Weekly Editorial - August 24, 2006
1. Match the following words with their definitions as used in the article: (scroll down for the answers)
______ overt
______ covert
______ totalitarian
______ intentions
______ consciously
______ elites
______ dominate
______ distort
______ rebut
______ repugnant
______ propagated
a) very unpleasant behaviour or beliefs, etc. causing a feeling of disgust
b) the richest, most powerful or best educated group in a society
c) to argue that a statement or claim is not true
d) hidden or secret
e) to twist out of the true meaning
f) to have control over a place or a person
g) to spread opinions or lies among a lot of people
h) deliberately; purposefully
i) done or shown publicly or in an obvious way; not secret
j) a course of action that one intends to follow; aim; objective
k) of or being a political system in which those in power have complete control and do not allow people freely to oppose them
2. Note the difference between Muslims and Islamo-fascists:
Muslims are followers of Islam (a religion). Islamo-fascists are followers of Islamism (a totalitarian ideology). Islamism is not so much a distortion of Islam, but a radically new interpretation. It politicizes the religion, turning it into a blueprint for establishing a coerced utopia by emphasizing the subordination of the individual to a "totalitarian" state that controls all aspects of national life.
What motive do Islamo-fascists have for destroying the West and the U.S. specifically?
3. Explain the difference between overt and covert.
4. Who are our covert enemies according to Mr. Barone? How do they work to destroy the U.S.? Do you agree with his assertion? Explain your answer.
5. How does Michael Barone define moral relativism?
6. How has moral relativism distorted American history, according to Mr. Barone? Compare this with your own experience in history classes.
7. Before reviewing this in class, ask a parent to read the article and discuss your answers.
ANSWERS to Question #1:
overt - i)
covert - d)
totalitarian - k)
intentions - j)
consciously - h)
elites - b)
dominate - f)
distort - e)
rebut - c)
repugnant - a)
propagated - g)