Weekly Editorial - April 13, 2006
1. How do Americans view Mexicans, according to a recent Zogby poll?
2. According to the same Zogby poll, the majority of Mexicans polled view Amercians as racist, intolerant and not very hard-working. How does Larry Elder refute the view that Americans are racist?
3. Define intolerant. Based on Mr. Elder's defense of the belief that Americans are intolerant of Mexicans and your own experiences, what do you think of this belief? Explain your answer.
4. How does Larry Elder use statistics to prove that Americans are hard-working? Do you view the people in your community as mostly hard-working? How does this compare to your view of Americans overall?
5. Ask several people - parents, friends, relatives about whether they think Americans overall are racist, intolerant and not very hard-working. Ask them to explain their answers. Write the approximate age, relationship to you and occupation of each person you ask. Then record their answers and share with the class.