Weekly Editorial - June 15, 2006
1. After reading the article, do you think that the title of the book Mr. Sowell discusses in this commentary is appropriate? Explain your answer.
2. What does the author attempt to do in his book?
3. What idea about Bush as compared to Kerry and Gore is generally presented in the media? What are the facts as described in the book? Before reading this article, how did you view President Bush's record compared to that of Kerry and Gore? Have you changed your view? Explain your answer.
4. Who promotes the idea that the Constitution requires the "separation of church and state?" Is this really in the Constitution? How has this belief affected the "free exercise of religion," which is part of the First Amendment to the Constitution?
5. Re-read paragraph 12. Ask a parent if he or she is liberal or conservative, and if they regard the Republican party in the same way as described in paragraph 12. What statistics does Mr. Jackson offer in his book to refute this view? Presented with this information, does your parent still hold the same belief? Why?
6. Why should liberals read this book?
For an explanation of liberal and conservative beliefs on the issues, read the chart at StudentNewsDaily here.