Weekly Editorial - January 12, 2006
1. Define: capitalism, commmunism, largess.
2. "China is lifting a million people out of poverty every month."
-What has caused this to happen? _____ _____
-What hasn't caused this to happen? _____ _____
(There are two answers for each question. Write the letter of the correct answers next to each question.)
a. taxes on the Chinese people and foreign aid
b. creation of wealth by the Chinese people
c. capitalism
d. communism
3. Why does Thomas Sowell say that "the political left has virtually no interest in the creation of wealth"? Do you agree with his assertion? Explain your answer.
4. Do you know anyone who owns their own business? Ask them about the pros and cons of owning a business.
5. Ask your grandparents if they think that our capitalist economy has helped or hurt their ability to earn/save money throughout their lives. (You can even give them a copy of this article.)