Weekly Editorial - December 7, 2006
1. Who is Michael Fumento? Where was he embedded? How many times has he gone to Iraq to be embedded with the troops?
2. Describe the successful strategy the U.S. military is using to fight insurgents and terrorists in Iraq. Have you heard/read about this in any of the major news outlets (NBC, ABC, CBS, NYTimes, your state's top newspaper)?
3. a) What feeling do you get about the work of our military in Iraq from reading this article?
b) Do you get the same feeling when reading/watching other reports about Iraq? Explain your answer.
4. The media is responsible not only to report on the number of soliers being killed in Iraq, but also to report on the progress our soldiers are making there. Do you think reporters need to be embedded with the troops to provide an accurate firsthand account of what is going on? If you would like to see more stories by embedded reporters, write to your source for news.
5. Send your comments about this article to the editor of American Spectator at editor@spectator.org or directly to Michael Fumento at fumento@pobox.com. Be sure to state that you read the article first at StudentNewsDaily.com. They have generously given us permission to reprint their articles, and we would like them to know students are finding them useful.
For video, photos and further articles about our soldiers in Iraq go to Michael Fumento's website at Fumento.com.