Weekly Editorial - August 18, 2005
1. Who wrote this commentary? From where is the author writing? Why do you think the author wants to remain anonymous?
2. Number the paragraphs from 1-14. For each of the following statements, write the number of the paragraph(s) it summarizes.
______ The mainstream media has given a slanted view of the work in Iraq. Because of the Internet, people are learning the truth about the terrorists in Iraq. The media is no longer able to shape public opinion.
______ The Iraqi people are bold and courageous. They have not given up and they will not give up.
______ Iraqi Muslims (Sunni Muslims and Shiite Muslims) are different from Muslim extremists from other countries (Wahhabi Muslims). The Iraqi Muslims are not terrorists. They do not and will not support the terrorists.
______ People are starting to criticize organizations that give legitimacy to terrorists by calling them insurgents.
______ The US Military is superior to the terrorists. The U.S. military is constantly improving equipment and technology for use by soldiers.
______ The Iraqis know that their peaceful existence is at stake and will fight the terrorists to achieve peace.
______ People around the world will soon come to realize that all terrorists are the same, and that we must work together to fight against them.
______ The Iraqis will be successful in forming a democratic form of government.
______ The Arab news station al Jazeera will realize that by broadcasting terrorist videos, they make Arabs look bad to the rest of the world. al Jazeera will have to decide if they want to do that, or become a credible news organization.
______ Iraqi citizens identify terrorists and their hideouts and bomb making factories.
______ President Bush is not going to give up on the fight against al Qaeda and its allies.
3. Which of the above statements is a new concept to you? Explain.
4. At the end of each statement in question #2, write agree, disagree or don't know.
5. In your opinion:
a) Does the media report the truth about Iraq?
b) Should the media be searching out more positive stories in Iraq, or are they already doing so?
c) Is the media doing a good job in reporting on events in Iraq? Explain your answers.