Weekly Editorial - January 11, 2021
NOTE TO STUDENTS: Before reading, what do you think the fatality rate is for Covid-19? (What percentage of people who contract Covid die from it?)
1. The purpose of an editorial (in this case a speech) is to explain, persuade, warn, criticize, entertain, praise or answer. What do you think is the purpose of this Stanford University Professor Jay Bhattacharya’s talk? Explain your answer.
2. What is the main idea of Dr. Bhattacharya’s speech?
3. Answer the following questions for:
Section 1 of the article: “The COVID-19 Fatality Rate”
a) What was the case fatality rate for Covid-19 in March?
b) What was the case fatality rate for Covid-19 by October?
c) What is the reason for the highly inaccurate early estimates?
d) What solution does Dr. Bhattacharya propose to get an accurate fatality rate?
e) How did Dr. Bhattacharya confirm the reliability of his Santa Clara County test?
f) What is the fatality (death) rate for people who contract Covid-19?
Section 2 of the article: “Who is at risk?”
g) What is the single most important fact about Covid in deciding how to respond to it?
h) What common perception about Covid is totally wrong?
i) How dangerous is Covid for seniors compared to children?
Section 3 of the article: “Deadliness of the Lockdowns”
j) List some of the unintended health consequences of “lockdowns”
4. What solution do the doctors propose in The Great Barrington Declaration as being the most compassionate? Be specific.
5. What is your reaction to this speech?