Weekly Editorial - May 13, 2010
NOTE TO STUDENTS: Does Thomas Sowell's assertion about the U.S. Health Care Law creating a "duty to die" system seem unbelievable? Consider the following: "President Obama's choice to head the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Donald Berwick, a Harvard professor with a self-professed love affair with Britain's socialized health care system. In his writings and speeches, Berwick has defended government rationing and advocated centralized budget caps on health care spending." (from spectator.org/archives/2010/05/13/obamas-rationing-man)
1. What is the main idea of Thomas Sowell's commentary?
2. Who does Thomas Sowell blame for promoting the idea that old people have a "duty to die"?
3. Why is the idea of "a duty to die" so wrong? How would you respond to a person who believed in this idea?
4. Ask a parent to discuss this commentary and your answers.