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To what news item does this cartoon refer?
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Posted here with permission.
This cartoon refers to the six imams (Islamic religious leaders) who have not only filed suit against US Airways for having them removed from a domestic flight last November, but are also attempting to sue the passengers who alerted authorities to what they believed was suspicious behavior. Prior to boarding, the men were near the ticket counter and “seemed angry,” and engaged in a “heated discussion” about the U.S. “killing Saddam” Hussein, and then shouting “Allah, Allah, Allah” when called for boarding. Passengers and the flight crew say the men were disruptive on board and did not take their assigned seats and formed a pattern similar to the September 11 hijackers. Some of the men asked for seat-belt extensions they did not need, criticized the war in Iraq and President Bush, and talked about al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden.
Police escorted the imams, all residents of the United States, off a plane in Minneapolis, Minnesota, after passengers and airline staff said the men were acting suspiciously. The imams’ lawyers are now attempting to learn the names of the passengers who reported them to authorities so they can sue them, claiming that the passengers knowingly made false reports against the imams with the intent to discriminate against them.