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1. The recent news item to which Michael Ramirez’s cartoon refers is:
a) the Associated Press’ announcement that it will no longer use the term illegal immigrant to describe people who are in the U.S. illegally
b) the Associated Press’ announcement that it will no longer employ journalists, only news evaluators
c) the Associated Press’ announcement that it is impartial in the national debate on what to do about illegal immigration in the U.S.
d) the Associated Press’ announcement that it will no longer report the news, but rather interpret the news
2. Tone is the attitude a cartoonist takes towards a subject. Which word best describes the tone of this cartoon?
a) sarcastic
b) enraged
c) supportive
d) condescending
Scroll down to the bottom of the page for the answers.

Cartoon by Michael Ramirez
1. The recent news item to which Michael Ramirez’s cartoon refers is:
a) the Associated Press’ announcement that it will no longer use the term illegal immigrant to describe people who are in the U.S. illegally
2. a) sarcastic