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To what news item does this cartoon refer?
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This cartoon refers to the Obama administration’s shifting response to the crisis in Egypt. White House aides have acknowledged that the differing views among Obama’s team of advisors has resulted in a mixed message on Egypt.
Headlines about the Obama adminstration’s position on President Mubarak include:
- [Vice President] Joe Biden says Egypt’s Mubarak No Dictator, He Shouldn’t Step Down – Christian Science Monitor, Jan. 27
- President Barack Obama Told Hosni Mubarak…An Orderly Transition of Power in Egypt “Must Begin Now” – Reuters, Feb. 1
- Envoy for Obama tells Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to Step Aside – LA Times, Feb. 1
- Obama Administration Distances Self From Own Envoy to Mubarak – ABC News, Feb. 5
- [Secretary of State Hillary Clinton] Warning Against Hasty Exit for Mubarak – New York Times, Feb. 6