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Answer the following questions for the first cartoon:

1. Editorial cartoonists often use symbols to represent a person, group or idea. What does the sinking ship symbolize in this cartoon?

2. One of the types of humor editorial cartoonists use is irony. Irony is defined as when the opposite of what you expect to happen occurs. Describe the irony in Bill Bramhall’s cartoon.

3. a) Do you agree with the cartoonists’ assertions about the choice of Kamala Harris to replace President Biden as the Democratic candidate? Explain your answer.
b) Ask a parent or grandparent the same question.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page for the answers.

Cartoon by Bill Bramhall


Cartoon by Bill Bramhall


1. A sinking ship symbolizes something which is doomed; an impending debacle; an ongoing disaster.

2. President Joe Biden announced in a letter that he is dropping out of the presidential race and has named Kamala Harris as his replacement. Democrats wanted Biden to drop out of the race as they believed that he had no chance of beating Republican challenger Donald Trump. They expect that replacing Biden with Vice President Kamala Harris will give their party the victory in November. The irony the cartoonist points out is that the ship is still sinking: he illustrates that Democrats will still lose the presidency with Kamala Harris as the new candidate.

3. a) Opinion question. Answers vary.
b) Answers vary.