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1. Cartoonists often use humor to illustrate a news item. What news story is cartoonist Nick Anderson illustrating in this cartoon?
2. One of the types of humor cartoonists use is irony. Irony is defined as when the opposite of what you expect to happen occurs. Describe the irony in this cartoon.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page for the answers.

Cartoon by Nick Anderson
1. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s poll numbers have been ahead of Democratic candidate President Joe Biden for a while. Following his disastrous debate performance in June, many people on the right and the left believed Biden had no chance of beating Trump. (On July 21, 2024, President Biden announced in a letter that he was dropping out of the 2024 presidential race.)
2. You expect the huge crowd to be Biden supporters cheering for him to stay in the race; it is actually a crowd of Trump campaign advisors asking him not to quit, as they believe he would be easy to defeat.