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1. Which comic device does the cartoonist use to make his point? Explain your answer.
a) irony
b) pun
c) parody
d) exaggeration
2. Which statement best describes the main idea of this cartoon?
a) too many people in the U.S. are receiving government benefits
b) one-third of the country is on welfare
c) the IRS unfairly denies claims submitted by hardworking Americans
d) taxpayers should be permitted to claim as dependents people who receive government benefits
Scroll down to the bottom of the page for the answers.

Cartoon by Gary Varvel
1. d) exaggeration – he is exaggerating the number of Americans on welfare
(perhaps he is referring to the number of Americans who receive some type of government assistance (welfare, unemployment, disability, etc.)
2. a) too many people in the U.S. are receiving government benefits