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CARTOON #1: Cartoonists often use exaggeration to make a point about a serious situation. What serious situation is cartoonist Chip Bok exaggerating to make his point?
CARTOON #2: What viral trend is cartoonist Steve Kelly referring to in his cartoon?
CARTOON #3: Tone is the attitude a cartoonist takes towards a subject. Which pair of words best describes the tone of Michale Ramirez’s cartoon?
a) respectful/admiring
b) sarcastic/critical
c) elated/ecstatic
d) resigned/defeated
Scroll down to the bottom of the page for the answers.

Cartoon by Chip Bok

Cartoon by Steve Kelley

Cartoon by Michael Ramirez
CARTOON #1: A FEMA supervisor was fired after allegedly directing employees to avoid helping Americans in homes with Trump campaign signs.
The head of FEMA told a congressional committee this week that it was an isolated incident. The fired supervisor disagreed and asserted in an interview that it was common practice to avoid what FEMA viewed as “politically hostile” homes. FEMA provides money and other services to help ALL individuals, families, and businesses recover from losses caused by disasters.
The cartoonist exaggerates the extent of FEMA’s disregard for Trump supporters to highlight the point that refusing to help fellow Americans and taxpayers with whom they disagree ideologically is reprehensible and egregious and totally unacceptable.
CARTOON #2: Pro-athletes have been using President-elect Donald Trump’s signature dance move to celebrate victories during games.
CARTOON #3: b) sarcastic/critica