Daily News Article - January 29, 2007
1. The meeting in Davos referred to in the article was the World Economic Forum's annual meeting. What is the World Economic Forum?
2. Who attends the World Economic Forum's annual meeting?
3. a) What did meeting attendees agree is the most serious threat to the planet? b) What other issues did attendees find less threatening than this issue?
4. a) Why does British Prime Minister Tony Blair believe that the U.S. is shifting its view on climate change (to acknowledge the believed threat of man-made global warming)?
b) What is Prime Minister Blair proposing to do when the Kyoto Protocol expires in 2012?
5. a) What European proposal regarding global warming did German Chancellor Angela Merkel endorse?
b) What does she want the U.S., China and India to do regarding this proposal?
6. Where does presidential hopeful Republican John McCain stand on the issue of man-made global warming?
7. Where do you stand on the issue of global warming:
--Is there going to be a catastrophic climate change?
--Is any change/warming of the earths' temperature caused by man (through carbon dioxide emissions)? Explain your answers.