Daily News Article - January 23, 2025
NOTE to Students: Before answering the questions, read the full text of President Trump's Executive Order above (at the end of the article). Then, WATCH THE VIDEO under "Resources" below.
1. What is the WHO - what is its mission?
2. How much in U.S. taxpayer dollars does the U.S. government give the World Health Organization - what percentage of the WHO budget is that?
3. What did President Trump say when signing an executive order the U.S. withdrawal from the World Health Organization? (see video below)
4. List the reasons for President Trump's notice of withdrawal from the WHO. (see Section 1 of the Executive Order found below the article)
5. How will the president replace the WHO's role for the U.S.? (found in Section 2 of the Executive Order)
6. Watch the video under "Resources" below. What initial tweet (right before COVID struck in the U.S.) and then statement six months later by the WHO does Greta van Susteren use to explain why President Trump asserts the WHO ripped off the U.S.?
7. Do you agree or disagree with each of Greta's points? Explain your answers.
a) From 1:30, she states: "Of course it had human-to-human transmission. Why did WHO tweet that? Maybe if the WHO hadn't tweeted that, not carrying the water for China, maybe the U.S. would have reacted faster or differently to Covid."
b) From 2:30, Greta says, "in short, we got a lot of advice from an organization named the World Health Organization which is supposed to help but it was bum advice."
c) Greta tells Rep. McCormick: "Maybe China should pay for the WHO"
7. What is your reaction to Georgia Congressman Dr. Richard McCormick's assertions about the World Health Organization? Are his points valid? Explain your answer. (watch from 2:35 to the end of the video)
8. Ask a parent to read the Presidential Executive Action on withdrawing the U.S. from the WHO - and to watch the video from Greta's segment on Trump's withdrawal from WHO. Then ask: What do you think? Should the U.S. withdraw from the WHO? Please explain your answer.