Daily News Article - November 29, 2010
1. WikiLeaks has released hundreds of thousands of U.S. classified documents this week. In general, what does the classified information reveal?
2. How did the White House respond to these new leaks by WikiLeaks?
3. a) What does NY Congressman Pete King have to say about the leaks and the leaker?
b) Do you agree with Rep. King? Explain your answer.
4. a) Define classified as used in the article.
b) What classified information was revealed about the President of Yemen?
c) Do you think that information will jeopardize President Saleh's safety? Explain your answer.
5. a) What classified information was revealed about U.S. government negotiations with Pakistan over its nuclear fuel?
b) How might this affect U.S. ability to dispose of Pakistan's nuclear fuel?
6. Read the "Background" information below the questions. This article only provides a brief look at the classified U.S. government/military information WikiLeaks has released to the public. The U.S. Army soldier who stole the information from U.S. military computers and gave it to WikiLeaks is charged with leaking and transmitting national security information.
a) What, if anything, should the U.S. government have done to prevent Julian Assange (an Australian citizen) of WikiLeaks from publicizing classified U.S. information?
b) What should they do now that Mr. Assange has published the documents?