Daily News Article - October 13, 2020
1. What caused the ballot problems in #’s 1-7 above?
2. How did election officials respond in most of these instances?
3. In your opinion, how could/should election officials in your state ensure that nothing like this happens in any election?
4. What measures does your state have in place to ensure that absentee AND mail-in ballots will only count one time, and that each voter’s ballot is the one that counts? — How do officials ensure someone didn’t mistakenly receive a duplicate ballot in a voter’s name and turn it in? — What measures does your state Board of Elections have in place to ensure the integrity of the ballot?
5. Watch the video under “Resources” below. What is your reaction to Eric Eggers of the Government Accountability Institute’s assertions about mail-in voting?
CHALLENGE: Visit StudentNewsDaily's "Mail in Voting" section on the General Election page. Read, watch the videos, answer the questions below the videos.