Daily News Article - October 6, 2006
1. Despite the fact that the offensive to retake Baghdad has so far failed to quell the violence there, commanders are optimistic. Why?
2. Until recently, what method had insurgents been using in their efforts to defeat U.S. and Iraqi forces, according to Gen. Scales? Why did they use this tactic?
3. According to Gen. Scales, why have insurgents begun to question this method?
4. a) The allies are fighting various opponents: al Qaeda, Sunni rejectionists and Shi'ite militias, some controlled by radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr. List the four main Sunni insurgent groups in Iraq.
b) What is their shared mission?
5. a) Describe the comparison made in the article beteeen the Tet Offensive and the insurgents' stepped up attacks in Baghdad.
b) Do you think the Baghdad attacks will succeed in convincing the American people that the U.S. can't win in Baghdad? Explain your answer.