Daily News Article - September 28, 2007
NOTE: The new citizenship test consists of 10 civics questions (out of a possible 100 that applicants will be able to study when preparing for the test). The article is not clear, but it also appears that the questions are not multiple choice, but short answer. Applicants must answer the questions in English. It is also not clear if this portion of the test is oral or written. It could depend on how well the applicant writes in English - perhaps applicants will have a choice.
1. How has the civics portion of the U.S. citizenship exam been changed?
2. What is the goal of the new test, according to USCIS director Emilio Gonzalez?
3. Pilot tests are conducted to evaluate how good the questions are before introducing a new test. What were the results for the new test in the pilot group compared to passing grades on the current exam?
4. Applicants will be asked 10 questions from a possible 100 they need to know for the civics part of the test. How many does an applicant have to answer correctly to pass?
5. a) The English part of the test was not changed. How is an applicant's knowledge of English tested?
b) Why have 10 Senators written a letter to President Bush expressing their concern for the English exam?
c) Do you think the Senators have a legitimate concern? Explain your answer.
6. Out of the 142 questions in the pilot test, why were 42 dropped?
7. a) According to Mr. Aguilar, what is the theory behind revising the test?
b) Do you think this will be effective? Explain your answer.